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Become a fairandfunky partner!

fairandfunky is more than an ordinary business, we are a community interest company empowering people to take their own little steps to change the world. Lead by Helen Robinson and Sophie Root, supported by a team of directors, we design and deliver a wide range of workshops and projects with schools and community groups on […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends (blog #20)

Meet fairandfunky friends is our blog series to get to know the people behind fairandfunky, the people we work with, and how together, we take little steps to change the world. We are constantly inspired by the people we meet and love being able to share their stories. This week we welcome Joanna Abena Fianu, […]

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Holme Valley Great Big Green Week from fairandfunky

Holme Valley Green Week (30th September – 6th October) is an initiative fairandfunky are establishing in the Holme Valley calendar inspired by the Climate Coalition. It is a week of collaborative action to combat climate change with events, workshops, exhibitions and more. The vision is for scheduled Holme Valley Green Week events to take place, […]

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SCRAP THAT PLASTIC at Eaton Park Primary School

We were met at Eaton Park Primary School by a wall full of inspirational quotes, and this one seemed fitting for the day ahead: “The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create.” Barack Obama. Our workshops use creativity to inspire and equip people of all ages to take little […]

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Chocolate and Fairtrade at Lady Royd Primary

Our Chocolate and Fairtrade workshop is always thought provoking and challenges participants to look closely at supply chains and consider sustainability, fairness and co-operation. So, it was the perfect addition to the curriculum for Year 6 at Lady Royd Primary as they embark on an ‘Ethical Trading’ topic. “An informative, interactive and interesting workshop. Pupils […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends (blog #19)

Meet fairandfunky friends is our blog series to get to know the people behind fairandfunky, the people we work with, and how together, we take little steps to change the world. We are constantly inspired by the people we meet and love being able to share their stories. This Fairtrade Friday we welcome Andy from […]

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Schools Art Competition for Holme Valley Green Week 2024

We are delighted to announce that entries are now OPEN for the first ever fairandfunky Schools Art Competition, sponsored by Holme Valley Climate Action Partnership, for the Holme Valley Great Big Green Week Art Exhibition. Holme Valley Great Big Green Week runs from 30th September to the 6th October and celebrates all things green and […]

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fairandfunky ECO conference 2024

We may have been met with torrential rain, but it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm for learning at this year’s fairandfunky Outdoor Eco Conference for Primary Schools. Eight schools from across Kirklees joined us to celebrate World Environment Day in the beautiful Holme Valley, taking part in four different creative workshops to demonstrate how we are […]

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‘SCRAPtastic Recycling’ with St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School

All fairandfunky workshops encourage participants to look at the world around them and empower people of all ages with the knowledge that their actions can have a positive impact on the world around them; both locally and globally. Recycling is one simple way in which each of us can take little steps to change the […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends (blog #18)

‘Meet fairandfunky friends’ is our blog series in which we get to know the people we work with, understand what makes them tick, and how together we take little steps to change the world. We like to shout out about people doing business differently, working to balance people and planet to ensure a sustainable future. […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends (blog #17)

‘Meet fairandfunky friends’ is our blog series in which we get to know the people we work with, understand what makes them tick, and how together we take little steps to change the world. Ahead of our ECO conference to celebrate World Environment Day on the 5th June, we welcome Victoria from Yorkshire Muddings to […]

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Smoothie Bike on Tour!

The famous fairandfunky smoothie bike has been on tour to our local schools sharing messages of sustainability with almost 2000 young people thanks to funding from Holme Valley Parish Council. It’s an unusual prop to use and one that certainly captures attention and imaginations of students and staff alike! We are all very busy in […]

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Nature’s Tiny Miracle – SCRAPtastic Stories with Huddersfield Literature Festival

When we walked into the Year 3 classroom at Kirkburton First School we were greeted by an amazing display of artwork inspired by their rainforest topic, so knew we were in the right place to discover the wonder of planet Earth and how we all have a responsibility to look after it. The world and […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends (blog #16)

‘Meet fairandfunky friends’ is our blog series in which we get to know the people we work with, understand what makes them tick, and how together we take little steps to change the world. Today we welcome our Fairtrade Conference favourite chocolatier David Greenwood-Haigh to the blog to answer our questions….. Who are you, where […]

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Co-op Academies Eco Conference 2024

What a privilege to be invited to join the Coop Academies Eco Conferences at 1, Angel Square in Manchester for the third year running. Over two days Co-op HQ was filled with young change makers from across Yorkshire and the Northwest, all celebrating the climate action they take as active eco citizens with their schools […]

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Climate Change? Climate Action!

“Education plays a vital role in helping to tackle climate change; creating a better, greener world for future generations” The Department for Education’s strategy for sustainability and climate change Policy Paper 2022. As more schools are looking to implement the Department for Education’s Sustainability Strategy we are seeing increased interest in our recycling workshops; and […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends! (blog #15)

‘Meet fairandfunky and friends’ is our series of guest blogs in which we get to know a little bit more about the people we work with; and how together, we take little steps to change the world. Today we welcome Keela Walsh from The Co-op to answer our questions….. Who are you, where are you […]

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Chocolate and Fairtrade

“It gave the children (and myself) more understanding of Fairtrade. It will enable us to have a deeper understanding of the importance of helping others and making correct choices.” Year 6 teacher, Rawdon St Peter’s CE Primary School. Our Chocolate and Fairtrade workshop is always thought provoking and challenges participants to look closely at supply […]

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The fairandfunky Fairtrade Conference

What a day! It’s always one of our busiest events of the year and this year’s fairandfunky Fairtrade Conference didn’t disappoint, with 9 schools filling The Tolson Museum in Huddersfield with 100 delegates to take part in fun, innovative workshops from Rose Condo Poet, Suma Wholefoods, fairandfunky and everyone’s favourite Coeur de Xocolat! A huge […]

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Be a recycling Superhero with fairandfunky!

We lead our final workshop funded by Stafflex at Netherhall St James Infant and Nursery School last week and loved working with Ladybirds – a class of enthusiastic Year 2 recyclers. Our partnership with Stafflex enables us to work with a range of schools across Kirklees, giving opportunities for more young people to access our […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends! (Blog #14)

Our blog series to meet fairandfunky friends continues. We’re loving finding out a little bit more about the people we work with, and how they take little steps to change the world – we hope you are too. The words people share confirm that we choose great partnerships! This week we welcome Mr. Crouch from […]

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SCRAPtastic Stories – Someone Swallowed Stanley!

We love our range of SCRAPtastic Stories workshops and were delighted to end last half term with a SCRAPtastic Story workshop at Holmfirth J&I School. SCRAPtastic Stories workshops were designed to teach early years and Key Stage 1 children about sustainability, the environment, and a sense of responsibility. We are never too young (nor too […]

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Don’t throw it away, make something!

All fairandfunky workshops encourage participants to think about the world around them. We deliver a range of workshops in schools to develop knowledge and understanding on climate change, sustainability, Fairtrade, and the environment, using innovative activities to raise awareness, encourage learning and inspire motivation. Our SCRAPtastic Recycling workshops for schools are one of our favourites […]

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Change The World With an Egg Box!

We were delighted to join Year 3 at Pocklington Prep School this month to run our ‘Change The World with an Egg Box’ workshop linked to their spring term topic ‘Who cares about the environment?’  A perfect session to explore the role and responsibilities we all have in looking after our environment, climate change, and […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends! (blog #13)

Our blog series ‘meet fairandfunky friends’ gives you the chance to find out a little bit more about the people we work with, and how they take little steps to change the world. The words people share confirm that we choose great partnerships! This week we take our SCRAPtastic workshop for families to Hive Cafe […]

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Meet fairandfunky friends! (Blog #12)

Our blog series to meet fairandfunky friends continues. We’re loving finding out a little bit more about the people we work with, and how they take little steps to change the world – we hope you are too. The words people share confirm that we choose great partnerships! This week we welcome Nemi from Stafflex […]

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Warm Space Wednesdays

At the end of 2023 we were approached by the manager at Holmfirth Tech to ask if we’d be interested in running some of our recycled craft workshops for adults. Funnily enough, this had been something we had been discussing as we’ve witnessed how many parents love the SCRAPtastic craft sessions just as much (if […]

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Sustainability Steps

Sustainability Steps is our new workshop looking at the impact we all have on our planet everyday and how we can take action to make our impact on the world around us a green and sustainable one. We have piloted these workshops in schools across Kirklees and Calderdale thanks to support from Suma Wholefoods, as […]

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Local Businesses Come Together to Shout About Sustainability!

We love working with like-minded organisations to increase our reach and impact in schools, so are thrilled to announce we’re teaming up with Elland-based organic, vegetarian and vegan wholesaler Suma Wholefoods to spread the word about sustainability across Kirklees and Calderdale. The aim of the partnership is to promote sustainable lifestyles both in terms of […]

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Back to school with SCRAPtastic after school club

We often get asked about what we actually do in SCRAPtastic after school clubs so we thought we’d ask our current club members to help write a little blog all about it. We ‘interviewed’ Mollie, Evie, Oliver, Artie and Isra in the final SCRAPtastic club of 2023 and these are their replies: What is SCRAPtastic? […]

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