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Be a recycling Superhero with fairandfunky!

We lead our final workshop funded by Stafflex at Netherhall St James Infant and Nursery School last week and loved working with Ladybirds – a class of enthusiastic Year 2 recyclers. Our partnership with Stafflex enables us to work with a range of schools across Kirklees, giving opportunities for more young people to access our workshops and get creative whilst taking little steps to change the world.

Ladybirds at Netherhall were a joy to work with. We were bowled over by volunteers to sort through our rubbish bins and take a closer look at the items people throw away every day. Plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, and clothing was all found in the bin. We discussed whether this waste should be in a bin, or should it be recycled? Many of the children were able to suggest other alternatives too: “We should give our old clothes to charity!” “I make things from old cardboard!” And that’s what we do too. We reuse, repurpose, and rethink our rubbish: don’t throw it away, make something! In doing so we reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and we have a lot of creative fun in the process.

Using old magazines and scrap cardboard the children turned themselves into recycling superheroes with wonderful masks. All our SCRAPtastic crafts are inclusive to everyone, meaning all children created a unique masterpiece special to them. As they looked through magazines there was lots of conversations around the natural world and the beauty that needs to be protected. Crafting together enables these meaningful discussions to take place.

“A quality first hand experience for our children. The workshop gave exposure to different adults and was fun, engaging, informative, and creative. With lots of new learning about recycling it will encourage us to have a conversation about what we can do in school.” Year 2 class teacher.

Congratulations to Ladybird Class for taking your own little steps to change the world in a fairandfunky workshop. And thank you to Stafflex for your commitment to community and sponsoring the workshop.

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